soldier, for the past 13 years a Police Officer in Durham Constabulary.
Started Orienteering and cross-country running in the Army. On leaving the
Army graduated to road racing. Fell running and mountain marathons since the
early 1990s and in recent years started Adventure racing. Also enjoy
climbing and scrambling, particularly on the Cuillin Mountains of Skye and
long winter trips in the Scottish Highlands.
2 week trek in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco, reaching the highest
peaks in the range.
and led small group in White Mountains of Crete and Kaisergebirge range
in the Austrian Alps.
member of Durham Youth Enterprise Scheme. Annual camp in the English
Lake District giving young people from disadvantaged backgrounds the
opportunity to take part in adventurous and team building activities and
steer them away from the distractions of crime and drug use.